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BBPA 41st Annual Harry Jerome Awards

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41st Harry Jerome Awards

Welcome to the 41st Annual BBPA Harry Jerome Awards!

The BBPA is excited to have you join in recognizing the numerous contributions made locally, nationally, and globally by our Black community. This year, our theme is “DECADE LEADERS” ~ THE ART OF POSSIBLE. As we take a moment to reflect and honour our past, we are also looking forward to our very bright future.

The BBPA Harry Jerome Awards is one of the most distinguished African-Canadian awards in the country. The awards pay tribute to outstanding and inspirational African-Canadians who truly model excellence and leave their mark on the world.

2023 Harry Jerome Award
Nominations Now Open

The BBPA Harry Jerome award, presented by TD has been the blueprint for the recognition and reward of Black Excellence in Canada. For the past 40 years, we have been committed to promoting the narrative of Black success, perseverance and excellence despite the challenges that our community continues to face. As we begin a new year, we welcome the exciting opportunity to celebrate the excellence of selected Black professionals, community members, and social champions!

The award categories include but are not limited to leadership, sports, technology, business, diversity, arts and entrepreneurship. These nominees and eventual recipients model what success, accomplishment, social awareness and excellence means despite working most times, in the shadows.

We invite you to sieze this opportunity to recognize members of our community and within your networks, who have made a unique difference in the society, through your nominations. You also have the opportunity to nominate yourself, should you meet the eligibility criteria. Whether nominees are blazing the trail in the field of science, innovation, business, art, leadership, or diversity, you have the power to shed some light on their work so they can be celebrated. These nominees give us the hope and motivation to continue to strive for excellence and a better future for our community and the next generation.

Nominations for the 2023 BBPA Harry Jerome Awards open from January 17th through to February 17th. We encourage you to nominate someone today and we look forward to reviewing your nominations.

Date of the 41st Annual Harry Jerome Awards: Sat, 29 Apr 2023, 5:00 PM EDT

Location: Beanfield Centre 105 Princes’ Boulevard Toronto, ON M6K 3C3

Reception and vendors boutique from 5:00 pm EST.

Awards ceremony and dinner from 6:00 pm EST.

Afterparty to follow.

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